long time no updated my blog already...
i know i know...
my blog is damn boring...
i feel it also...>.<
so that's why i lazy to blogging?
btw,i will find back my mood to blogging..okay?
so,now i want to share is...
just now on facebook to know it,LADYGAGA has a new song!!!

YEAH!finally she have a new music album...
i was suprise to hear she new song...
cause now only have 1 song to let us listen it...
but the style also same as before
cause also have "la la la la..."
so easy to sing it...
but not bad also...
i love it also ♥♥
so,i have to download it...
(: now Itunes also can download it...
so,if u really likes it,
you can go listen and download it...
Important:::She new music album release on 24th November 2009.
Support LADYGAGA!!!!
You're Awesome!!!!~~~
MunKeong♥LADYGAGA (;